Tuesday, December 7, 2010

27.5 weeks


I don't know why but that nickname has just kinda "stuck." I will have to forgive everyone (your Aunt Erin!) for calling you "MJ" because I know it will happen and I hate it!

I can't believe we're so close to meeting you. Yet it's dragging on! I love every light or swift kick that you make, but at the same time it makes me long to hold you and comfort you so badly. I can't wait to show you how crazy in love with you we already are.

Daddy started getting your nursery ready. It looks gorgeous. He's so funny, he wants everything to be absolutely perfect and stresses himself out if something is not. He was correcting your block letters on the wall and I told him to leave it, it was ok a little crooked. But he said concerned, "honey, don't you want our daughter's first room to be beautiful?" :) Yes, I do. And I will always remember him saying that. He likes to feel you move but I think it really weirds him out! Each morning when my first alarm goes off, without fail, you are wide awake. You stretch and kick like a little pinball. I feel you on each side at the same time, one side being strong, repetitive kicks in my ribs. Don't you know I need all the sleep I can get? ;-)

My sciatica is completely gone. I only wear my best sneakers now and that seems to have alleviated the pain. I am, however, craving chocolate like it's going out of business! I have nnneeevvveeerrr liked chocolate. Now I can't get enough! Ice cream, hot chocolate, cookies, Hershey bars, M&M's, cake.... ahhh! I have gained 21 pounds and the midwife says I am measuring exactly where I should. I still feel tiny, but can't believe I'm going to get bigger. Now when looking at me, there's no mistaking the fact that I'm pregnant.

I don't know what else to say, other than I can't WAIT to meet you and kiss your little face.

You are so loved,