1. What are your middle names? Earl and Claire. Our parents don't love us.
2. How long have you been together? 2 years
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? 7 years
4. Who asked who out? Shane asked me
5. Whose siblings do you see the most? Mine
6. Do you have any children together? yep. Kynzie Jude.
7. What about pets? a chocolate lab and a black lab/golden retriever mix
8. Did you go to the same school? yep
9. Who is the most sensitive? Me. Hands down.
10. Where do you eat out most as a couple? Kobe Hibachi & Sushi and Chen Garden
11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Florida. ha!
12. Who has the craziest exes? Again- me. Hands down.
13. Who has the worst temper? oh my.... that's a tie.... but if I had to choose- me.
14. Who does the cooking? Me but Shane likes to cook more than I do.
15. Who is more social? Definitely Shane. Used to be both of us but I have become a hermit.
17. Who is the most stubborn? Me by a hair
18. Who hogs the bed? Me again
19. Who wakes up earlier? Shane if he has to work, if not- me.
20. Where was your first date? at Shane's BBQ Shack... he told me he was taking me to "his restaurant"
21. Do you get flowers often? nope. take notes here, Shane.
22. How long did it take to get serious? Not long at all
23. Who eats more? Me
24. Who sings better? I think that's a tie but I have yet to let him hear my real singing voice.
25. Who does the laundry? Me.
26. Who’s better with the computer? Shane
27. Who drives when you are together? Shane
28. Who picks where you go to dinner? We pick together
29. Who wears the pants? like he always says: he wears the pants but i tell him which pants to wear :)
31. Who has the better sense of humor? both of us
32. Who eats more sweets? Shane
33. Who is more adventurous? Me
34. Who is more romantic? both of us
35. Who usually wins in a fight? Shane always apologizes first. nobody really "wins"
36. What is your favorite "date" activity? any date is a good date! they are few and far between
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