Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm getting really bad at updating this. It will probably end up just like all the others & get neglected and eventually deleted. But I'll keep trying! Tomorrow is our gender appointment and I am incredibly nervous. Though I can't wait to see the baby again. And this time on 3D! Ultrasounds are always so much fun and the best part is the joy on Shane's face each time. I will be honest, I am 95% sure it's a boy. First reason being, because I want a girl so badly. And second reason being, the midwife definitely saw something indicating the sex on Monday's ultrasound. I don't even want to call that an ultrasound. That office is so unorganized and looks to me to know what they're doing. The midwife came in, sat down, and said "How far along are you?" Umm.... I don't know exactly. I have heard like 5 different due dates. "Well what did we tell you at your last ultrasound?" I haven't had an ultrasound here. "You haven't? We have to do an ultrasound then." (Glad she was so excited about it.) And she FLEW through that ultrasound. Not to mention it was extremely low quality. And we were told that they would tell us the gender if they saw it so as to save us 100 bucks on tomorrow's appointment. Nope. She saw the gender and quickly said "We're not gonna do the gender today. Next time." What??? Shane said, "you can't even tell us what you THINK it is?" And she said "No. We're not doing that today, it's not my specialty. You'll know in 2 weeks." Ughhh. That woman is not delivering my child. That's fine that she didn't want to be wrong about the gender, but she could have been nicer about it.

Anyway, we had a BLAST on an ice cream date last night with Drew & Cassie Jackson. I laughed so much my face was hurting. And beforehand, to kill some time, we went to Target to browse, not planning on spending any money. Somehow we walked out having spent 70 bucks on a Pumpkin Spice candle, and 2 paintings. Whoops! :) We knew we shouldn't have.

Work has been e-x-h-a-u-s-t-i-n-g. The babies I nanny are incredibly spoiled and good lord, it shows. Carter has been screaming the second I put him down, and they're 7 months old yet occasionally eating solids and bottle-feeding small amounts every 2 hours. The dad told me they no longer want me give them larger amounts every 3 hours. It's quite ridiculous and makes the job much more stressful than it should be.

On a more positive note, I think I'm in the clear as far as nausea!! I only threw up a total of two times so far but I was getting sick every time I got hungry. So from 9 weeks to about 16 weeks, I was siiiiick. But for a week now, I have been feeling great! The doctor put me on Zantac which makes a world of difference as far as heartburn. And my only complaint is I feel huge. My belly pushes up when I sit down and it's very uncomfortable. My skin feels so stretched out. And I'm only 17 weeks! Yikes! :) Well that does it for this post, on to an episode of Lost. :o)

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