What do these things have in common?
Castor Oil
Spicy Foods
Primrose Oil
Black & Blue Cohosh
Bouncing on the birthing ball
You might say "Ways to induce labor." And you would be.... wrong. They are ways to PROGRESS labor. It has taken me nearly 2 weeks to come to this realization, regardless of how many people told me. Now, having said that, I have only "tried" 6 of these. In fact, 2 of them I would never think of doing as they could cause serious harm to my baby, and that ain't worth it!
This is my decision to relax and let go. Right now my sweet daughter knows what is best for her better than I do. (You will never hear me say that again ;-)) I am making the conscious decision to believe that she will come when she wants to. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not against induction. My midwife plans to induce me next Friday if I haven't gone into labor by then. Yes, I prefer that she decide when she comes, but my doctor believes it is in her best interest to give her one more week tops.
I am so surprised and disheartened by all of the discouraging, negative, and downright MEAN things other moms have said to me throughout this pregnancy that I am doing everything differently with the next one. Shane and I will be the only ones to know her name, if we're opting for or out of the epidural, if we're cloth diapering, if I'm breastfeeding, etc. If you can't be happy for us, then why share our hopes & plans with you?
Anyway! Back to what I was saying. I am going to try to find some peace and contentment within myself, and say "I'm still pregnant, and I'm ok with it." You may be reading this thinking I'm overreacting (and maybe I am) but you're not me. I am a very emotional, impatient person and I have a very low tolerance for pain. That's not a good mix for a pregnant woman. Back pain, discomfort, hip pain, her painful movements, waking up in pools of sweat, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, swollen hands & feet, heartburn, sleep deprivation, shortness of breath etc are only a few of the symptoms I'm ready to bid adieu. I realize that having a newborn will be no piece of cake either. But at least I'll have a face to put to this baby's name! :)
Doesn't mean I'm thrilled about it and doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer to have my child in my arms, but I'm still pregnant, and I'm ok with it.
You are so right about people being mean and judgemental about your decisions. People should give opinions to help you not to say that they don't think you are doing the "right" thing. And when you have a hard pregnancy I think having a newborn is easier but you will miss being pregnant in a weird way that's great that you are ok with it:)