Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Like it or Hate it, but Leave me alone about it!

Yes, I am drinking small amounts of coffee while pregnant. I am enjoying some cold lunch meat on occasion. I am taking Tylenol and Zantac when I need it, because Lord knows I need it! You better believe I'm getting that epidural. I am going to try cloth diapers. Maybe instead of putting me down about it, you could say "good for you!" or "I hope it works out!" Something encouraging, which is not "Good luck...." or "Yea you will switch to disposable..." I will not be using hand sanitizer like it's going out of business. I will not be sterilizing every bottle and pacifier. I'm going to try to make her food myself. I plan to do so when she is 4-6 months old. I hope to start potty training her asap. I will let my dogs sniff her to check her out, and once she's a little older, lick her face. I will get her vaccinated, I may even have my chiropractor adjust her. I plan to put her in public school. I may or may not raise her in the church, however I will not tell her one religion is right until she is old enough to completely understand and make a decision for herself. I will not allow her to wear provocative clothing or experiment with drugs. I will let her get muddy & messy if she is having fun. I will let her cry it out if that's best for her. I may or may not spank her when she disobeys. These are all MY decisions for MY child. You can make the same, or different decisions, for YOUR child. And I will respect that, and keep my mouth shut because it is none of my business.

Having said all that, I will love my daughter. I will show her that she can always trust me and come to me with any problem she is having. I will allow her to be angry. I will show her right from wrong and give her the opportunity to choose one or the other. I will be a good example to her, and provide a good example of what marriage should be. I will give her the best advice I know to give her, and not judge her when she makes the wrong decision. I will love her unconditionally. I will offer support and a shoulder to cry on. I will cry when she chooses her friends over family. My heart will break when her's does. She will never have any doubt in her mind that her mother loves her.

So you tell me... which of these is most important??

1 comment:

  1. “Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.” Dr. Seuss

    i'm proud of you katy. love you.
