Tuesday, November 16, 2010

23.5 weeks

Makynzie Jude,

We are 23. 5 weeks and you are getting so strong. If you were to come on your due date, daddy and I only have a few more months til we meet you. And I can't even begin to tell you how impatient I am getting for that day. Your kicks are so hard now and you turn your little body violently in my tummy when I'm trying to sleep at night. :-)You gave me comfort last night when I woke up from a nightmare and you started stretching as if to tell me everything is ok. I feel you the best when I'm on my back. That makes sense because the doctor says your placenta is attached up high & further back in my uterus.

I have had the stereotypical chocolate cravings. Which blows my mind, because I normally hate chocolate. I constantly want hot chocolate, m&ms, or cake. I've also wanted a lot of chinese food, but that's not in our budget so I need to learn to get over that one. :-)

Your nursery is coming along slowly, but surely. The "Man Cave"/office/guest bedroom is now a nursery/guest bedroom. Daddy has painted your shelves and block letters for the wall, and he is starting to work on your changing table. Your dresser is already full!

I'm starting to get a little nervous about labor, but meeting you will be completely worth it. I feel like I already know you, and it's killing me that I can't hold you and show you how much I love you yet.

Keep growing strong for us sweet girl,

Friday, November 12, 2010

New Mommy Fears

I have had a lot of experience with kids. I started babysitting when I was eleven, helped in the church nursery when I was little, I have two nephews who mean the world to me, and I am a nanny to incredibly spoiled, difficult twins. However, as any new mom would be (and should be!) I have many fears of parenting and taking care of a child of my own. It has recently hit me (hard) that if all goes according to plan, in a few short months, I will be faced with these fears. It's now mid-November (it was just July yesterday!!) and our sweet baby girl is due in early March. So it sounds like a good idea to jot down these worries I have, and see how they turned out after she gets here. Here goes...

- The big one. Breastfeeding. I won't get into the details on this one. But I want this so badly for myself and my daughter. For the bond, the quick(er) weight loss, the convenience, the nutrients it gives her, and the affordability. But my patience and low tolerance for pain are what scares me here...

-Cloth diapering. Yep, that's right- I'm out of my mind. :-) I am committed to cloth diaper my child. For many reasons. A few being: they're better for her skin, better for the environment, saves money each month and with each child we have (we want 3), & they're just cuter! I will be using the "Flip" system, a one-size diaper, and I am already stocked up on shells & inserts so the only cost it will be to me now is an increase in my electric & water bills. Which shouldn't be too significant. The work is what scares me now!

-Deciding how to keep her distanced from negative friends & family that aren't good for her to be around. Thankfully Shane and I totally agree in this area. We don't want her around drinking, smoking, & swearing. And we don't want her around people that have a negative infuence on her. Family or not. So we plan to talk to the person if there's a problem, and if that doesn't work- unfortunately, distance her from them. 'Nuff said.

-Teaching her religion. We want her to know our beliefs, but know that it's completely ok for her to disagree with our beliefs.

So having said all that, those are definitely not all of my fears. But they are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. We hope to raise a kind, considerate, respectful, wise, and independent young woman. And we realize that getting her to that point is going to be tough, but soooo rewarding. :-)